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Microanimism: A Conversation with Siv Watkins about Being in Relationship with the Smalls
Welcome to the world of Microanimism with microbiologist, independent scholar, and ritualist, Siv Watkins, PhD. Siv introduces us to the enigmatic yet ordinary realm of microorganisms, with whom humans have been...
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Embodied Elements Series: The Earth Element & Nourishing Our Dark Centers
The migrating birds know. The slowing, dying bumble bees know. The gnarled, wild pear tree knows, its fruit thumping to the earth. Something has been released, a heaviness is settling into our limbs, the tree’s limbs,...
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Ecotherapy & Reclaiming Our Wholeness: A Conversation with Beth Stephens about Holding Ourselves in All That it Means to Be Human [Episode 29]
I’d call it Beth Stephens superpower: creating spaces that help women cherish the messy, mucky, imperfect wholeness of themselves. As an Ecopyschologist, Beth guides women through journeys of deep self-inquiry,...
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The Embodied Elements: The Fire Element & Deepening Our Intimacy with All of Life [Episode 28]
It may be the longest journey we ever take- those 18 inches between our heads and our hearts. Here in the Fire elemental season, we can find new dimensions of healing through heart connection and widening our sense of...
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Regenerative Partnering with Nature: A Conversation with Chara Armon about Moving Beyond Eco-Anxiety [Episode 27]
Perhaps our human worry is the last thing the earth needs at these trickster crossroads. This is the core inquiry of Chara Armon, PhD., founder of The School for Humans and Earth: how can we actively move from...
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A Wild, Undomesticated Heart: A conversation with Jen Hudziec about the Intimacies of Summer [Episode 26]
In celebration of the summer solstice, End of Life Doula, Ancestral Lineage Repair Practitioner, and Ritualist, Jen Hudziec is back on the podcast to talk about the unabashed sensuality of summer, the joy of loving...
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Ecofluency: A Conversation with Saskia von Diest about Co-creation & Communication with Nature [Episode 25]
In the latest episode of the Woman Who Rubs the Mountain, Nature communication consultant, teacher, and facilitator, Dr. Saskia von Diest, shares her story of shifting from her PhD in plant pathology to postdoctoral...
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The Stories of Everything: A Conversation with Carina Lyall about Hearing the Many Truths [Episode 24]
It was a joy to lean in with the host of the Becoming Nature podcast, Carina Lyall. Our conversation easily flowed between squirrel games (spoiler alert, they want all the walnuts), how certain stories come straight...
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The Land Knows You Better Than You Know Yourself [Episode 23]
Paths lead us forward in acts of collective mark-making, while also leading us backwards into memory, as well as inwards, deeper into ourselves. In this one-year anniversary episode of the Woman Who Rubs the Mountain...
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The Embodied Elements: Indulging Our Chlorophyll Reveries [Episode 22]
It’s been an entire turn of the seasonal wheel since the podcast began and I am excited to spiral back to the Embodied Elements Series with you. By embodied elements I am wondering, how is the season and its...
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Protecting Our Inner and Outer Wilds: A Conversation with Vanessa Chakour [Episode 21]
From a young age, author and herbalist Vanessa Chakour was struck by the archetype of Artemis as the original land protector and environmental activist. In her book, Awakening Artemis, Vanessa skillfully tells her...
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Longing For Our Wild Beginnings: A Conversation with Rachel Corby About the Complexities of Unconscious Human Harm [Episode 20]
Whether it’s a seashell collection that sits on your toilet, silky feathers tucked into your car’s dashboard, or rocks lining your kitchen windowsill, it is our human tendency to collect and extract everything around...
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