I am comforted by sinking into and really honoring these seasonal changes instead of distractedly letting them nibble away at the edges of my consciousness. Purposely working with the themes and spirit questions of each element helps me live with more connection and clarity.
So in the latest episode of the Woman Who Rubs the Mountain podcast, we explore how the Earth element of late summer informs our lives. We wonder about how we have been digesting our world and how we might be more discerning about what is truly nourishing.
There are thousands of ways to seek mediocre nourishment, but it is more challenging to connect with what genuinely enriches our lives. The truth is that most of us skim the surface of sustenance from our choices in life, the people, the food, the images, the entertainment, and the other environments we choose to engage in, leaving us with a kind of psychospiritual indigestion. We are taught to be overly fixated on external sources of nutriment, taking and extracting, without focusing on a soul nutrition that fills our true inner needs.

I hope this episode is a sweet gem of nourishment for you- thanks for listening.
Excerpt from the September 2023 Newsletter.
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